See how our customers use EurekaConnect to help their employees reach their maximum potential
It helped me immensely to identify my strengths and weaknesses in leadership, and implement strategies to iteratively get better
What is unique about Curtis' approach to behavioral assessment (ECBD) is his focus on self-awareness and adaptation for positive change.
Curtis seamlessly blends organizational expertise with a keen understanding of individual growth.
EurekaConnect is catered to understanding the individual
The ECBD assessment and interpretation by Curtis is significantly impacting both my personal and professional development
Great for emphasizing strengths, explaining behavioral tendencies, and setting up a framework for correcting one's own bad habits
I was literally stopped in my tracks..
By choosing one area to focus- I’ve been able to maximize the impact and my efforts for my team and myself.
... not only led me to be a more aware and collaborative leader but most importantly a better human in every day life
Just took a few seconds of courage and willingness to address areas of opportunities with great coaching from Curtis.
The upfront and follow up time commitments for the initial assessment are minimal, and Curtis is extraordinarily articulate and instructive
Working with Curtis and his team is always a pleasure and you will always be constructively challenged to do better