Curtis R. Sprouse, President and CEO of EurekaConnect, takes a look at 2016, and what it held for EurekaConnect, including a number of new events and products.u
By: Curtis R. Sprouse
December 2016
EurekaConnect (EC) made a number of great advances in 2016, starting with version five of its EurekaConnect Behavioral Dynamics (ECBD) program.
The updated version of the ECBD program now includes an Acumen model that helps participants understand the intersection of interpersonal skills and situational adaptability. The ECBD Individual Development Plan (IDP) has expanded analysis sections for each behavioral model and improved graphics the help participant’s better focus development. Training has been refined based on feedback from more than 1,000 training session participants. Furthermore, the updated training more effectively integrates exercises and leadership theory in the context of the participants individual and team profiles to provide participants a real world experience and examples of success and challenges.
As part of our continuing effort to encourage participants and teams to use the ECBD program on a day-to-day basis, we have created more learning tools to used individually and while working with other members of participant’s teams. The Personal Objective Plan helps to create a summarized view of an individual’s strengths and areas of opportunity relative to their operating style, with a heavy emphasis on situational and social acumen. We have also created the Mentor Accountability Program, which helps guide and encourage development with a partner—helping to implement day-to-day accountability.
The advances made by EurekaConnect over the last two years have been fundamental to the formation and development of the Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship (IBE). It would not have been possible to move an industry initiative driven by top Pharmaceutical, Biotech, and Academic from concept to action in less than ten months without the knowledge of knowing who was truly capable of engaging in such an endeavor. The ECBD was instrumental in the selection and development of people that are now involved with the advancement of the IBE concept (more on this below.)
In 2015, EurekaConnect utilized client data to assemble world class leaders who could strategize and take action. In September 2015, EurekaConnect held the first Executive Forum (ECEF), with the goal of developing a solution that would address the knowledge gap and funding gap that restricts and limits the advancement of science and technology. A second meeting was held in April of 2016.
The Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship was founded in June of 2016 as a response to the knowledge gap challenge. The IBE has made great progress in 2016. The IBE had great success with the first education workshop, which was held November 9-13, and will hold a second such session March 8-12, 2017 (Boston Marriott Cambridge in Kendall Square). Contact Kelly Sullivan at ksullivan@eurekaconnect.comfor information on registration for the November 2017 IBE education session.
The IBE’s November 2016 session had 19 students and more than 20 faculty members and advisors participate in this first session. Students and presenters came from large pharma companies (Novartis, Merck, Sanofi Pasteur), biotech companies (Momenta, Ipsen, FORMA Therapeutics), venture capital firms, and academic institutions (University of Pittsburgh, Harvard University, Cranfield University and the University of Alberta).
The November 2016 IBE Education session produced eight projects:
·Four therapeutics
·Two drug development programs
·A consulting model that will support more efficient drug development
·A wearable/mobile system that measure diseases that must be managed aggressively
The November 2016 session exceeded our expectations, both in terms of diversity and quality of students, and the impressive viability of projects developed using the course instruction over such a short time together. More encouraging still, we are hearing that our students are continuing to stay in contact with each other and advisors, testing and advancing the ideas they generated in class.
In 2017 EurekaConnect will continue to advance the use of the ECBD model in an effort to build world class leaders and teams. More importantly EC will strive to develop leaders who leverage the EC tools and system to develop talent in their organizations.
EC will continue to work with the IBE to advance the Education model with the goal of education over 200 academics and innovators interested in making a difference. 2017 will see the IBE launch a fund raising initiative that will enable the IBE to offer capital to IBE Education program students and faculty. With your continued support and involvement, the IBE effort will create more cures, improve quality of life create more jobs and foster significant economic development.
The EC team is appreciative of the opportunity to work with great leaders and companies. We would like to ask for your continued support as we enter 2017. Have a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year.
Note:*Scores, profiles, or assessments referenced in this article refer to characteristics defined in the EurekaConnect Behavioral Dynamics program
About the author: Curtis R. Sprouse is the President and CEO of EurekaConnect, LLC. Curtis has spent more than 25 years building companies and consulting for hundreds of the fortune 500 companies.
EurekaConnect, LLC uses proven technologies and data driven solutions that objectively and measurably improve organizational performance. For more information please