Leadership in the age of smart machines

Professor Edward D. Hess from The Darden School Of Business goes into detail into about how leaders must adapt in the day and age of smart machines.

Within the next decade, businesses of all sizes will have to deal and adapt to advances in technology, including artificial intelligence, global digital connectivity, the Internet of Things, big data, increasing computing power, Cloud AI SaaS services, 3D manufacturing, robotics, and the beginning of artificial emotional intelligence, according to an article from The Darden School of Business—the graduate business school associated with the University of Virginia.

These advances, according to the article, could transform how business are staffed, operated, and managed, while changing the nature and availability of work in our society. The advances will also infuse smart technology and data science into all business functions, commoditize operational excellence, and make innovation and human performance the primary value creation differentiators, according to the school, which The Economist ranked as the world’s best educational experience from 2011-2015.

In order to lead in the age of smart machines such as the ones mentioned above, author Professor Edward D. Hess says that the CEO of the future will need to become the chief enabling officer. Furthermore, to enable the highest levels of human performance in this day and age, the CEO and other senior leadership must role model the right mindsets and behaviors, which he details in the “4 Es.”

To learn about the 4 Es and to read the full article, click here.