The Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship (IBE) has had quite the momentous year. Check out our year in review to see the highlights from throughout 2017.
In the past 12 months, the IBE has had 69 graduates combined in its four education programs. This includes 61 participants at our three US-based programs, and eight at our inaugural international program (Paris, France, in August 2017).
These participants joined us from Harvard University, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Takeda, Momenta, Sanofi Pasteur, University of Alberta, Cranfield University, Roche, Neurovance, Novartis, Ipsen Bioscience, Duke University, CatBeamTech, BioHub, Omnigen, Luris, Erasmus MC, and more. Due to the success of our unique programs, many additional organizations have committed to participate in 2018.
The IBE Paris Program was held at the Renaissance arc d’triomphe and welcomed people from all over Europe as well as the US. The final pitches included an array of presentations that have since been the subject of follow-up with the IBE and its advisors. We hope to continue to track the progress of these promising projects over time as they come to fruition and achieve great success.
Paris 2017
Cambridge, Sept 2017
On October 24, 2017 the EurekaConnect Executive Forum (ECEF) and the IBE held a networking event in Cambridge, MA. More than 30 people, including faculty, advisors, alumni, and potential new participants came together to discuss the progress of the IBE, and its growth and advances since inception.
Tony Manning, Senior Vice President of Research at Momenta Pharmaceuticals, was a featured speaker. Additionally, we had the opportunity to hear from prior class participants, including Elma Kurtagic on the progress of her project presented at the first program held in Cambridge, as to how the IBE experience has impacted their current roles. Many of the alumni brought guests who were introduced, first hand, to the IBE Certificate Program. All the attendees enjoyed networking with their peers and mentors.
Upcoming Programs in early 2018:
Cambridge, MA March 14-18, 2018
Paris, France April 9-13, 2018
For more information and updates on the IBE please join our LinkedIn group. Academic scientists, innovators, business people, technology transfer, licensing and entrepreneurs interested in advancing science and technology can learn more about attending at or by emailing