Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO, Renault-Nissan Alliance offers some valuable insight into the lessons he learned as a young manager and Michelin.
As leaders from the Baby Boomer generations retire and the global economy reawakens, companies worldwide will have the challenge of finding the proper replacement for departing executives and managers, said Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO, Renault-Nissan Alliance in a LinkedIn blog post.
At the Renault-Nissan alliance, explained Ghosn, the company selects its highest performing team members to participate in comprehensive leadership development programs. Some of the participants who are considered to be “the best of the best,” may be younger, even under 30. In such cases, the individuals are given extremely challenging assignments that take them well outside of their comfort zones, perhaps situations that may even call on them to manage hundreds of thousands of works, most of whom are older.
Ghosn explains his own personal situation, in which he was asked to manage a production team at Michelin, calling it a “baptism by fire.” In situations like these, he suggested, it is imperative to keep a number of things in mind. By doing so, you will gain valuable experience and perhaps become a trusted and respected leader in the process.
Some of the lessons that Ghosn learned in his own personal experience include establishing trust, breaking down barriers, and being confident, yet humble. To find out more about these experiences and to read the rest of the lessons learned, click here.