Elma Kurtagic

Elma Kurtagic

Associate Director — Momenta Pharmaceutical
This was by far the best class I ever took, which focused on helping the scientists transition their ideas to building successful business.
This was by far the best class I ever took, which focused on helping the scientists transition their ideas to building a successful business. I had the opportunity to attend Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship (IBE) class in 2016. I was exceptionally excited to be a member of the inaugural class! This was by far the best class I ever took, which focused on helping the scientists transition their ideas to building a successful business. I often struggle to understand the basics of entrepreneurial skills that are required to successfully implement ideas to innovation. To that end, I attended a couple of MIT Sloan executive courses, but in the end, I was sitting in a class and not really taking home anything practical. By stark contrast, IBE course that Curtis and his team designed not only introduced business basics but every attendee had the opportunity to practice their idea from the first day of the class and culminating in a real, 10-min pitch to actual VCs! I got to take my idea from the very infantile stage and every day, with the help of seasoned coaches, refine it to the point that I was ready to give a 10-minute pitch successfully. It was a very satisfying experience. In addition, Curtis performed in-depth behavioral assessment that gave insight into how I function at work and what areas I can improve on. Similarly, knowing my co-workers profiles helps how we interact to make the best out of our interactions. Overall, this was a well-rounded course; the type of course I had not experienced before and highly recommend to anyone interested in expanding their skill set beyond science.