Wouter Geelhoed

Wouter Geelhoed

PhD Candidate Leiden University — Leiden University
Besides being well organized, the course gave new insights into entrepreneurship and the development of a life science product.
Recently I attended the Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship (IBE) course in London organized by Curtis and his colleagues. Besides being well organized, the course gave new insights into entrepreneurship and the development of a life science product. Many aspects of development were addressed such as business planning, legal affairs, talking to investors, and learning to pitch. All the course lecturers were clearly very experienced in their respective fields, and were able to talk about the subject matter from personal experience. Besides this, everyone in the course was assessed using the ECBD system. It was very interesting how accurately this ECBD system addressed aspects of our personality. Personally it really helped me identify several traits that I could work on to improve my overall performance. All in all I had a great, and very informative week, and would recommend the IBE course to anyone considering, or interested in, the entrepreneurial side of life sciences