Samantha Kwok
Operations and Business Development
— Copperstone Technologies
As a recent graduate at a crossroads in career paths, this experience opened the doors to what it means to be entrepreneur
The experience I had at the March 2017 Institute for Biomedical Entrepreneurship certificate program was life changing. The in-depth behavioral assessment and one-on-one discussion of the assessment provided insight into understanding “what makes us tick”. This is especially relevant because how we think plays out into how we act in the work place. As a recent graduate at a crossroads in career paths, this experience opened the doors to what it means to be entrepreneur and provided the tools to be a successful entrepreneur. Some of the biggest lessons I learned are: 1) the importance of networking 2) the power we hold when we make a conscious effort for change 3) we must continue to learn and constantly grow and 4) the courage to create something new.